The Weblog
This weblog contains news and the weblog entries from all the markets currently using the system.
To visit the authoring market’s website, click on the market name located in the entry’s title.
Heirloom Living Market Lilburn: Market is Open! Come on in...
The Market is now open for ordering…Happy Shopping!
Request for Prayers
I am a strong believer in the power of prayer. Bruce Wills of My Daily Bread will have surgery on Thursday to replace the leads for his pacemaker. Please pray for the success of the surgery, a swift recovery and peace of mind for Bruce. Also, please keep Dabrielle and their son Brandon in your prayers as well. My Daily Bread will return to the Market next week.
Marie Wheeler of Bakery on Brooks has been diagnosed with a bleeding ulcer. Please pray that this diagnosis and treatment will relieve the issues that she has been living with for quite some time.
Pickup Day and Time: Thursday 4:30 – 6:30pm
Pickup Location: All Saints Lutheran Church
722 Rockbridge Road SW
Lilburn, GA 30047
Click Here for Map
Order now since you are just a click way!
BUY LOCAL ~ Know your Farmer!
Heirloom Living Market Lawrenceville : Market is Open...
The Market is now Open…Happy Shopping!
Request for Prayers
I am a strong believer in the power of prayer. Bruce Wills of My Daily Bread will have surgery on Thursday to replace the leads for his pacemaker. Please pray for the success of the surgery, a swift recovery and peace of mind for Bruce. Also, please keep Dabrielle and their son Brandon in your prayers as well. My Daily Bread will return to the Market next week.
Marie Wheeler of Bakery on Brooks has been diagnosed with a bleeding ulcer. Please pray that this diagnosis and treatment will relieve the issues that she has been living with for quite some time.
Pickup Day and Time: Thursday 2:30pm – 5:30pm
Pickup Location: Crossfit Ozone
519 Hurricane Shoals Rd., Suite J
Lawrenceville, GA 30046
Order now since you are just a click way!
BUY LOCAL ~ Know your Farmer!
Joyful Noise Acres Farm: The market is open for ordering.
The online market is open for ordering. This week we have Farm Fresh Food’s San Marzano Tomato Sauce. This sauce is made only for a few weeks each year when this special tomato is available. It is full of flavor and adds a special touch to anything you use it in. Amy grows a lot of the foods she cooks with and the rest she does get from local farmers. She truly is locally grown. If you have not already tasted something, everything FFF makes is delicious!
Thank you for supporting your local farmers and artisans.
Mary Beth
Suwanee Whole Life Co-op: Market is OPEN for orders!
The market is now open for ordering!
Order TODAY so you don’t forget! :-)
If you do NOT receive a confirmation email immediately after you placed your order, then your items are still in your cart and your order is not complete. All orders must be placed by 5pm on Sunday.
Pick up is on Tuesday at 4942 Austin Park Avenue, Buford 30518 from 1pm to 6:45 pm.
We take checks, cash, credit card and Dwolla
Please make sure you understand our pick up policy before you order.
Have a blessed weekend!
Champaign, OH: Fields
To Sway Like Flowers In A Field…
(Fields- Great Wide Open)
So, you know I love all that there is to love about local, and tonight’s Weblog opens with a lyric from one of my favorite local bands. And, I have many favorite local bands. In fact, this area is just rich in local musical talent.
This past weekend was an amazing example of that, up in Mutual, at the annual Madden Road Music Festival. A gathering of local music, local foods, and local love.
Anyway…this song is so pure, so beautiful, and it reminds me of days just like the day we had, today.
I love sitting out on my back deck, having morning coffee or evening wine, watching the beauty that is the sun, the sky, the fields behind me, the clouds, taking it all in…watching the fields all sway, watching the colorful beauty of it all.
It makes my heart happy in those moments. It makes me so happy that so very many years ago, for whatever the many reasons, I ended up in Champaign County. I may not have been born and raised in this area, but I love it as if I was, I support all local loveliness, and I love being a part of the local fabric.
I had a local foods council meeting, this afternoon, as we prepare for our third annual State Of The Plate event. I love being a part of the local buzz, the local excitement, the planning of such a local celebration. I will be talking more about this, in the weeks to come, I will be passing out save the date cards for October 4, but for now, all I want to say to this very lovely local community, is a HUGE thank you.
A thank you for letting this girl manage your local markets, letting me watch and learn, filling my heart with local love and pride…
This little local market of love is another piece of the local fabric that is near and dear, and I hold in my heart. Totally proud of what we have accomplished in the past four years, totally committed to watching it continue to grow, totally in awe of the family that this market has become.
I open the market, tonight, urging you to take advantage of the local, seasonal produce, to take advantage of shopping local, and to take advantage of products produced from local farmers, growers, artisans…we are so proud to be a part of this local love…
Peace, Love, Good Vibes…
Cosmic Pam
Jonesborough Locally Grown: Saturday Market August 22nd
Whats happening at the market this week?
Welcome new vendor Ron with Hawks Nest Farm, check out their delicious beef.
Kids day at the market, visit the Kids Market Corner and make some yummy salsa!
UTExtension will have food samples and give aways, don’t forget to pick up the latest recipe card
flowers, butterfly bushes, knockout rose bushes.
Vendor this week: Perry Phillips
Local food is fresh food. If you’re buying at a Farmers Market, the produce has often been picked that morning.
Whites- watermelons, eggplant, green peppers, hot peppers, tomatoes and some special canned items, okra, beans, raspberry jam
Salamander Spring- fresh and dried shiitake mushrooms, dried garlic, kale, collards
Rogue Harbor- summer leeks, watercress, heirloom tomatoes, lettuces- butterhead, mini roamines, kale, cabbage, squash
River Island Taters- purple peruvian fingerlings, Ozette & LaRatte fingerlings, a variety of white potatoes
corn, beans, basil, lima beans, microgreens, cushaw squash, apples,egg plant, squash, onions
Vendors this week: Rogue Harbor Farm, Ranchito la Chiva, Uncle Rob, Dominick’s Garden, White’s Mountain Meadow Farm, Salamander Spring Garden, McQueen Farm, Sunset View, Buffalo Trail Orchard, McIntosh Woods, Millwood Greenery, Matheson Farm, Bill Johnson Farm, River Island Taters
chicken, pork, beef, lamb, goat cheese, honey, and eggs
Vendors this week: Sentelle’s Homemade Sausage, Kany/Perservation Farm, Ziegenwald Dairy, Rosey Apiaries, Clover Creek Farm, Dotson Farm, Hawks Nest Farm
breads, muffins, tamales, granola bars
Vendors this week: Farmhouse Gallery, Dona Eva
hand crafted pottery, crafted wood cutting boards and more, pet treats, handmade wreaths and garden art
Artist this week: Tim Roberts Pottery,
Mountain Mule Hardwood, Mamma Chappell and Sticky Paws
Jonah Riddle and the Carolina Express
This weeks menu:
Sausage biscuits with Sentelle’s homemade sausage
Egg & cheese biscuits
Parfaits – homemade yogurt and fresh market fruit
Whites Mountain Meadow Farm, Robb and Wendee White
bio-diverse and sustainable farming offering a variety of fresh produce
Vendor with the market since 2014
See you on the street,
Augusta Locally Grown: OOPS! SORRY!
Sorry! In my excitement about our new program, I thought today was Friday!
Closing the market back up again now. Will open again tomorrow.
- Kim :)
Partnerships are an amazing thing. We at ALG continue to be awed by the synergy of it all. This time, it’s about putting a new, super healthy, super affordable twist on school lunches. We’re calling it the “Second Sunday School Lunch Making Program.”
Our GROW HARRISBURG partners at St. Luke are sponsoring 9 Harrisburg children this year to attend CH Terrell Academy. This beautiful, high-quality, educational opportunity comes with a catch: these 9 children will have to forgo their free government-sponsored school lunch program in order to attend this alternative school for the whole year. And that’s where the magic begins.
Our GROW HARRISBURG partners at Icebox Ministries are going to teach a once-a-month class to the parents of all nine children. In this class, the parents will make enough hot lunches (stored in the freezer) for their children for the whole entire month! The lunches will be hot, veggie-centric, local, seasonal, crock-pot-based, delicious … and they will cost less than 75 cents per serving. Tasha Alison at Icebox has designed a system that every busy parent will want to know about … and she’s going to start by teaching it to the parents of these 9 children.
In order to do this for the whole school year, we’re gonna need your help. Please contact if you can donate:
- excess fruits or veggies from your garden
- a working stand-alone freezer
- 100 gallon zip lock bags
- $30 to purchase a crockpot for the school
- $100 to purchase an electric pressure cooker
- $135 to sponsor a full month’s worth of lunches for all 9 children
Be a part of the transformation. One school lunch at a time.
TUE, AUG 25 – SEVEN SOUP SHARED MEAL CELEBRATING THE MID-POINT OF OUR FVRx PROGRAM – Come celebrate the wonders of fresh fruits and vegetables at a shared, plant-based, simple, free meal at the Veggie Truck Farmers Market on Tuesday, Aug 25. Email if you can volunteer that day.
WED, AUG 26 – GEORGIA GROWN FEED MY SCHOOL FIELD DAY EXPO – Burke County hosts a model farm-to-school program that continues to evolve and expand. We at ALG are thrilled to cheer them on! During “Feed My School” week in late August, ALG will run four educational booths at their field-day-like event for hundreds of grade school students. We’ll need a few solid volunteers to help that morning. Please email if you can pitch in.
THUR, SEPT 3 – GEORGIA FOOD OASIS “CONCEPTS AND CONNECTIONS” MEETING. Are you a local food proponent? Want to join forces with others to grow this movement throughout the CSRA? Yes!? Awesome! Then you need to be at this meeting. Contact for more info.
SAT, SEPT 12 – SOUTHERN SCRATCH GRAND OPENING – Everyone’s favorite goodies-maker – Kathryn Filipiak of Southern Scratch – is opening up a uniquely fabulous breakfast place in Washington GA. Nobody comes close to this girl’s cinnamon rolls … and so much more. Come celebrate this champion of locally-grow. ingredients.
SAT, SEPT 12 – “TALK DIRT TO ME” – HEALTHY SOIL EXPO AT THE BOOK TAVERN IN AUGUSTA– In honor of the U.N.‘s International Year of Soil, we’re joining forces with Southern Native Plantings, Longwood Plantation and the Book Tavern to celebrate … yep, GOOD CLEAN DIRT! Come talk and touch earth worms, micronutrients, microorganisms, organic amendments and so much more! Write a “dirt limerick,” win a “Talk Dirt to Me Tshirt,” and get your mind spinning around new, important research coming directly out of this field (pun intended!) Getting down and dirty was never more fun. More details soon.
SUN, SEPT 13 – SOUTHERN CHEFS POTLUCK IN ATLANTA – Wanna road trip to one of the most talked-about local food events in the southeast? This one benefits our amazing partner organization: Wholesome Wave Georgia. The annual fundraiser is held at the inspirational Inn at Serenbe. It helps fund our own FVRx program, our EBT doubling programs, and dozens of other EBT doubling programs across the state of Georgia. Tickets can be purchased at their See you there!
SUN, SEPT 20 – BRIDGE BUILDING GARDEN-TO-TABLE COMMUNITY MEAL IN HARRISBURG – St Luke UMC will host a Sunday evening community meal – block party style – featuring a sampling of veggies from many of the 100 in Harrisburg raised bed gardens throughout the neighborhood. Free. Just bring some home-grown veggies to add to the mix if you’ve got em! Contact if you can help cook!
SUN, OCT 4 — FARM-TO-PARK DINNER TO BENEFIT PENDLETON KING PARK & FEATURING CHEF CHARLEEN — Save the date for what will surely be the biggest farm to table event that Augusta’s ever seen! Chef Charleen of Culinary Connections will feature local foods at this Pendleton King Park fundraiser… and ALG will serve it up! Volunteers: contact Kim Hines. Farmers: contact Chef Charleen!!
Gwinnett Locally Grown: The Market is Open for Ordering
The Market is open Thursday at 9 – Monday at noon After that, ordering is disabled until Thursday morning. Pick up your order Tuesday from 4:00-7:00 p.m. only at Rancho Alegre Farm at 2225 Givens Road, Dacula, GA 30019. New to The Market? Learn about how it works here.
Good morning! Thanks so much for your continued support.
We have a Beekeeping Workshop coming up on September 16th. Check back next week for the details.
Upcoming Workshops
Wine Making Workshop with Operation Homebrew
This workshop is 60 minutes, includes a mozzarella cheese sampling once finished. Class size is limited to a maximum of 15 people.
Wine making workshop, Session 1: Tue. Sep. 22, 2015
Wine making workshop, Session 2: Tue. Oct. 20, 2015
Time: 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM for both sessions
Cost: $25
– Session 1 | Sanitizing steps, mixing the ingredients, tips/tricks
– Session 2 | Bottle, Cork, and label your wine, take it home
To purchase tickets visit
As Always….
Please share with friends and family about us so that we can give more people the opportunity to buy and eat healthy! Local farmers need our support to keep providing us with all the fresh foods! If we don’t give them enough business, it’s hard for them to continue to deliver to us. Please let’s not let that happen! Tell your friends about us so we can keep the Growers supported as this is how they make their living.
Thank you to all of you who support Gwinnett Locally Grown!
If there is something you’d like to see in the Market, please let me know! I would love your input!
The Market is extending their hours! The Market will now be open from 4:00 to 7:00pm!
Having said that, if you place an order with us, PLEASE remember to pick it up on Tuesday. As I am so grateful for your orders, I also have a family at home waiting on me too! We cannot hold orders, especially cold items due to limited refrigeration space, so please be courteous and come for your order.
CLICK HERE NOW to Shop Gwinnett Locally Grown!
Thanks for all your support!
Shop often and eat well!
Iris Potter
Market Manager
Fresh Wishes,
Pilar Quintero
Market Host
Rancho Alegre Farm
Please email for questions pertaining to Market or Raw Milk. It is very difficult to return phone calls. Remember to interact with us on Facebook and follow us on Meetup to get notification on all our wonderful events and news.
Old99Farm Market: Living on the edge of the Age of Limits
My acquaintance with Nicole Foss started on the internet and became a personal one through several phonecalls and two visits for public lectures here in Copetown.
Her blog is mostly written by a colleague, as she travels, an itinerant freethinking social visionary and prophetic voice, in my personal view. Her recent speaking tours have been in Australia and Europe so when a new essay by Nicole appeared on “The Automatic Earth” I jumped to catch up on her thinking.
Here are a couple of long quotes from part five of the essay, which is linked at the top of this post.
“We are heading for a profoundly humbling experience, to put it mildly. Technological man is not the demigod he supposed himself to be, but merely the beneficiary of a fortuitous energy bonanza which temporarily allowed him to turn dreams into reality. We would do well, if we could summon up sufficient humility in advance, to learn from the simple and elegant technologies of the distant past, which we have largely discarded or forgotten.”
“Cohesive communities will act together in times of crisis, and will be able to offer significant support to each other. The path dependency aspect is important – the state we find ourselves in when crisis hits will be an major determinant of how it plays out in a given area. Anything people come together to do will build social capital and relationships of trust, which are the foundation of society. Community gardens, perma-blitzes (permaculture garden make-overs), maker-spaces, time-banks, savings pools, local currency initiatives, community hub developments, skills training programmes, asset mapping and contingency planning are but a few of the possibilities for bringing people together.”
If this has caught your attention, perhaps you will snuggle up to the internet screen and have a read.
May we all live well within the earth’s means.