The Weblog
This weblog contains news and the weblog entries from all the markets currently using the system.
To visit the authoring market’s website, click on the market name located in the entry’s title.
Northeast Georgia Locally Grown: Market is open for orders!
Locavores, Northeast Georgia Locally Grown is open for orders!
Go to the market >>
Pastured Meats
Pastured Eggs
Baked Goods with Organic Ingredients
See All Products
Market is open Fridays at 9 p.m. through 9 p.m. Mondays!
NOTE: Cultured Traditions is taking a break from the market this week.
Thank you for choosing Northeast Georgia Locally Grown as a way to support your local producers. This online farmers market allows you to buy directly from multiple farms committed to chemical-free and local produce all year long! CHEMICAL-FREE means produce and pastures grown without synthetic fertilizers, herbicides, fungicides, or insecticides. LOCAL means within 80 miles from the market pickup locations (usually much much closer). Do you know someone who grows chemical-free food in the area? Get them in touch with us. Know someone who wants fresh food? Spread the word. Put the two together, and that’s growing organically!
PICKUP TIME is Wednesday from 5-6:30 p.m. in Clayton, Clarkesville, or Gainesville.
If you do not get an email ORDER CONFIRMATION after you finish the checkout process, then your order is NOT complete. Head back to the market page, and your order might still be there waiting for you to check out! If you have any trouble or questions at all, we are here to help; simply reply to this email.
Once you place an order, be on the lookout for the order reminder email on Wednesday with further pickup and payment notes.
Thanks for supporting local farmers!
Champaign, OH: A Whole Lot Of Local Love!
Thank you, to all customers, and vendors, for another great market!!
It was so fun, as always, to chat with each of you, today, as you picked up your weekly orders!!
I am opening up the market, early, this evening, since you all came so early to grab all of your local love!!
Go ahead…the market is open, once again, for your weekly ordering pleasure!!
Cosmic Pam
Connie's Cornucopia: Going Out of Town Sept. 22- Sept. 26th
We will be out of town September 22 through September 26th. If anyone needs anything, please put your order in now so we can get it delivered to you Friday and Saturday this week.
Please check out the Rice Category we have some new items listed.
Champaign, OH: Thursday Reminder!
Just a reminder that if you placed an order, this week, tonight is your pick up!
If you arranged for a Friday or Saturday pick up, we will see you then!
Cosmic Pam
Russellville Community Market: 9/20/24 opening

To ensure your order is placed, make sure you click the “Place My Order” button once you have completed your shopping. You will receive a confirmation email.
Did you forget to order something? Check out our extras table during order pick-up on Tuesday from 4-7 PM!
Did you see the harvest moon this week? RCM vendors are busy making and harvesting some tasty foods and great deals! Look for Drewry Farms fresh apples on the extras table this week! They are very busy trying to get all their amazing crops picked and ready for customers but they are going to bring us a few apples to enjoy! Check out Hoof Hollow Hobbies loofah in the Bath and Beauty category; he has done all the hard work of cleaning it from a gourd to a usable natural scrubber! Help us welcome new vendor Crystal Creations! They will be offering freeze dried products and their first listings can be found in the candy category! There is a great variety of fresh peppers available this week and Hoof Hollow Hobbies has fresh turnip greens and kale. Check out Justin’s green tomatoes or Mary-Ann King’s pattypan squash! Justin has sweet potatoes, acorn, spaghetti and butternut squash newly listed! Watch the baked goods category as our bakers get in the mood for fall, too! Shop for pumpkin bread and tons of other amazing flavors! Keep your freezer stocked and ready to cook your favorite meals with Bluff Top pork chops, Porch Swing Farms sliced ham and gourmet sausage or R&D roasts and C3 Beef variety packs! It is definitely a delicious week at RCM!
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram!
RCM accepts cash, checks, credit and debit cards and SNAP/EBT transactions.
Check back frequently as our farmers regularly update what they have available. Multiple orders are encouraged. :)
Russellville Community Market

Frontier Farms: here come s fall
hope everyone is having a great week. see you Saturday!
Foothills Market: Market Reminder
Don’t forget! There’s still time to place an order on Foothills Market for this week. The market will be open until 5:00 p.m. today for pickup tomorrow.
Old99Farm Market: Week of September 16th, 2024 EFAO Event
I hope that you are all doing well.
There is an EFAO event happening at Liberty Way Farm in Dundas on Maximizing Efficiency & Productivity Using Greenhouse Technology on Wednesday September 25th from 11 Am to 1 pm event. I will be attending this event, come along if you are interested, I’ll be happy to see you there.
We’re into our second week of Fall CSA, there’s still time to sign up.
This week we have (asterisk marks CSA items):
Arugula baby sweet*
Basil: Italian and Thai
Green string*
Beets: Candy stripe*
Cabbage: Green
Cherry Tomatoes Yellow
Chard: Red and Yellow
Eggplant: Rosa Bianca and Annina*
Green Onions
Kale: Nero
Kohlrabi: Red* and Green
Peppers: Sweet Green, Jalapeno, Hungarian Wax
Sage: purple, green
Tomatoes: Yellow Brandiwine, Cherokee, Marsalto* and a saucing variety called Grenadero
Zucchini: Green* and Yellow*
For A la carte orders head over to the online store here to place your custom order. Store pick up Thurs 4 to 6 or by appointment.
For further questions or to sign up kindly reach out by email to email :
A great film we just viewed is worth your attention called Eating For Tomorrow at this website called Food Revolution about how food choices make a huge difference in the stability of the ecosystem.
Healthy eating,
Ian, Cami, and Adam
Statesboro Market2Go: Order Before 10pm!
Remember to place your Statesboro Farmers Market2Go order before 10 this evening!
GreenFamilyFarm: E-newsletter_Sept 2024

Green Family Farms
How to contact us:
Sandra Green 214-226-0466
Open year round.
We drop off various Saturdays in Greenville, Fairview, and Dallas, TX from March thru October.
You can see the actual schedule under the Q’s & A’s tab under “When and Where do I pick up my order?”
Or, you can pick up at the farm Mon-Sat 10AM – 7PM or Sunday 2PM – 7PM.
Market News
Good morning!
I say this all the time and, here it goes again – it’s been too long since my last e-news! Born to an author, I am a writer at heart but, I also love so much more which keeps me away from the computer and in the farm fields and in our farm lounge. And, I also love people – anyone who knows me will tell you I will talk and share with just about anyone. I don’t understand those who turn away opportunities to interact with others because when I do it, it brings so much awareness and enhancement to my life. For example, I recently discovered Bonton Farms. It was amazing!! And, how did it happen??.. a young man called me asking questions which turned into a 15 minute conversation because if you ask me a question, I will give you all the answers I have. At the end of the conversation, the young man thanked me and told me he had called 12 others farms before reaching me and they all politely closed the door (or hung up the phone, rather) without offering much help. I told him it was my pleasure and explained that is simply who I am and what we are about. And, I live this philosophy on our farm too which is why we are creating FLAG on the Farm (Fellowship Learning And Growing… on the farm) and the Farm Lounge will be the designated place for these FLAG activities/gatherings. David and I are building this 1800 s.f. center by ourselves – no contractors, no bank loans, no grants :(. It is all coming out of the sweat of our brow and the (now very thin) lining in our pockets. So, because of this it is slow coming (we have been at this for a little over a year) and we ask you to be soft on criticism and bear with us as we are gradually opening even before it is fully finished. Many times I can’t believe it is happening – and it all started when Dad said “Buy a farm” 13 years ago – he was right, we were outgrowing our little Lucas farm!

Amidst construction, the farm is still top priority. We are a few weeks away from stocking our freezers with pork and lamb adding that to our already stocked beef in our farm store freezers. And, that is just our meat section on our market page. You can shop our market via this site anytime and we will get our available products to you. There is also a new button on the home page where you can reserve a farm tour – click the button and come out and see the farm in person. Bring a lunch or reserve a lunch – eat in the Farm Lounge or out on the field with the animals. Let us know what kind of experience you would like so we can oblige.
Experiences are wonderful!! My recent experiences have been:
* Bonton Farms where I learned about a small farm in Dallas that is bringing hope to a deprived community.
* Krsna Balarama Village just 15 minutes from me that aims to grow vegetables without irrigation. They love the land and they love cattle so much so that when they heard I had a sick calf, they came with a pre-blessed fresh flower garland for our little precious baby.
* Ecovillages in Portland, Oregon where you can live and garden in intentional communities.
There are so many good people doing so many good things revolved around growing and nurturing – a.k.a. farming. And, I always say, that is because the farm changes people. David and I have experienced that transformation (as you may know, we grew up in Chicago – a few dairy cows and chicks in the children’s section of the Chicago zoo was as close to farming we had ever been) and I have seen the change in many others. I recently ran into a family who visited our farm in the past at a festival in McKinney and when the kids saw me, the first thing they asked their dad is if they could go back to our farm even though they were at a fun filled packed festival at the moment. I encourage you to keep visiting and supporting your local farms – it is truly life enhancing. And, if you come by our place, remember, we are the “open door” farm – our gate is open.
Anand (5 mo. old calf pictured) means ‘happiness, joy, bliss.’ Find happiness at a farm anyday!
Please, share your recipes with us on the website, on the Recipes tab. We’d all love to know how you use your Locally Grown products, so we can try it too!
Other Area Farmers Markets
Greenville, TX Market | Sulphur Springs, TX Celebration Market | Dallas, TX MarketThank you!
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Note: you can unsubscribe from this site at any time.
If you have never bought from us before, you will have three trial orders before being asked to pay the $25/lifetime membership. If you are a pre-2020 buyer, your lifetime membership is already active.
We thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible!